Muhammad Ali
5 min readApr 6, 2021



“A beggar was standing in a city at a particular place, begging for money. He never changed his place, carried his begging for decades. As he became old and was about to die, he made a request to people bury him after his death in the same place where he stood begging all the years. When he died, people out of sympathy dug a pit in the place he had stood to bury his body. They shocked to discern a vast treasure under the spot where the beggar stood decades for begging. People felt sad for fate of poor who stood begging there for so many years, without realizing a vast treasure was hidden under his feet”.

What mistake the poor has made during the begging period ?

If we focus on this story, we will find the reason that why the beggar stood at one place for so many years. As a matter of fact humans tends easiness ;but wise distaste traveling on easy tracks . History speaks regrading those who fought tooth & nail and crossed every obstacle of their way that came across. In the story of beggar, we can see he was comfort lover and didn’t think once that why people aiding him silently and behaving impassively. People coming across the spot he stood named him’ BABA’ and helped him generously irrespective taking a conversation with him for his begging reasons. He actually had lost his egotism thus he didn’t hesitate to receive small charities even from the children. He adversely took it in his favor and considered himself a lucky one. Nothing has compelled him to change his way till the time he died at the spot.

let’s have a commercial view on this story, we will find many examples of such people who working in same organization for many years on lesser compensations. I don’t intend to highlight those who resembles with the story; but my concern is to hint such people and let them think a while and see where they stands and where they will be after retirement or in case company fire them . I personally know many people worked in one organization from joining to retirement — now regretting their past. One of my ex-colleague died in a train accident when he was going home from the office after doing some extra work to gain some overtime incentives. We took his dead body at mortuary and managed his shroud burial then returned homes. This was all what we did for him. He worked in organization for years and didn’t take any substantial help from the organization. Sympathies exchanges were continued for couple of days then everyone got busy in life and things gone settled by own way . There may be similar cases too with same stories but the point is how lessons can be derived from them. Whosoever living in such circumstances must think and try to trace out the reason that have stuck him on his way? There is no explanation to legitimize your long stay in same organization. As rightly quoted that prosperity is hidden in initiatives and fortunate favors the brave. People who asking a guarantee of success before taking initiative principally goes opposite to the spirit of initiative. It is not like to open a ‘Saving Account’ in a bank that guarantees you annual benefit. It demands to take sub-initiatives upon needs and raise the ladder step by step then reach at top you. Humans are supposed for possible efforts and create better living means for family and others too.

“One day a devotee was offering pray. Soon he completed, he got busy in DUA (asking help to GOD) while he was gossiping with GOD; he felt something happening at his place, he turned his neck left and saw some youngsters throwing stones over a handicapped; he stopped gossiping and moved to his help. He might have took merely 5 steps towards handicapped and returned back with smiling face” — GOD asked him: “why you left me and now returned with smiling face” — he replied to GOD, — “Oh my GOD, “I saw few of your servants throwing stones over a handicapped; so I went to his rescue; soon I saw handicapped throwing stones back to them. I returned and thought you decided to help your handicapped servant; because he started helping himself instead crying.”

“What? If a person seeks help from GOD and God responds him in following words: “oh my dear servants I have already gifted you a magnificent brain — super-class body — eyes — nose and senses/5, now what else you want from me? The foremost basic essentials you need for a survival and conquer the World are already given to you. Most often, we don’t aware of we endowed with and what we are capable of . We don’t count the blessings ALLAH granted us despite our demands; neither we realize why these are given to us and for what purpose. We love follow traditional norms and not willing to go parallel the changes happening around us . We are born with sense and freedom of action; so we are free to choose. ALLAH has created the universe same for all: Sun — Moon and Stars, benefiting equally to the whole — each has a ground to play. People values time — taking initiatives — organizing their actions and putting efforts in right direction at right time are successful, inspiring and quotable.

Everyone can raw conclusion from this story but my point is: employees working in one organization for decades are similar to the beggar whose survival was dependent on the charities of others. How unfortunate those friends are who end their professional carrier on the point they don’t know where they can go when they leave their offices and what waits for them for rest of their life. How painful it is for a person who worked in one organization for so many years and still begging for extensions. Only statement they have to present in their favor is: “they were loyal to the company; so they didn’t change their jobs”; which is noting but a lame excuse and an escaping way from facing the truth. Who brought them at this stage is a question — my answer is only their “Comfort Nature”! A person who blaming his fate for the problems he faces is like equal to the beggar who didn’t realize how much wealth was laid down under his feet.

